Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Who’s Really Listening?

“Listen to my prayer and my plea, O LORD my God. Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is making to you.” 2 CHRONICLES 6:19

Some days, it feels like no matter what we say or who we say it to, no one hears us. Our husband and children are caught up in a favorite TV show or have their earbuds locked in place. The boss is focused on sales figures or is anxious about meeting with a prospective client. Our friend is too wrapped up in planning her daughter’s wedding to notice much else. It makes us grateful that we can hear ourselves speaking, so we know at least one person is listening. Even if it’s just us.

Those days can be drive-us-crazy frustrating, but what if we look at it a different way? We’re guaranteed to have at least one listener other than ourselves whenever we speak, and He’s the best listener of all. God never slumbers or sleeps (see Psalm 121:3), which means He’s always there when we’re ready to talk. He hears each prayer about whatever’s on our minds (see Psalm 66:19). Whether we’re talking through options as we try to reach a decision or muttering to ourselves about our shopping list, we’re talking—and God is listening.

 The next time a “no one’s listening to me” day rolls around, it can be a chance to remind ourselves that God is always listening, no matter the day or time or what we’re trying to tell someone. It might even be a good idea to walk away from everyone else and start our conversation with God by venting about our day or how we’re feeling ignored. Once that frustration is off our minds, we can say whatever we tried to tell the people around us. And then, we listen. Because we never know what God might have to share with us when it’s His turn to talk.
Thank You, Lord, for always listening to me whenever I’m ready to talk, even when no one else seems to pay any attention. Help me turn those days into special times to communicate with You. Amen.

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