Thursday, September 4, 2014

Nudge to Something New

"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." ~ James 1:5
 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him . JAMES 1:5

All children have times when they’re nervous—or maybe even downright scared—about trying something new.

We can relate because we’ve been in that same spot ourselves. As often as we might tell our children that stepping into unfamiliar territory can have real benefits and that they don’t need to be worried, we don’t always listen to our own assurances. It’s often true that we are more tuned in to opportunities for our children than for ourselves. No wonder it can come as a surprise that God might have some new things waiting for us, if we’ll just pay attention.

We’re never too old for new goals or new dreams, whether we set them for ourselves or God does it for us. God can certainly send us in some new directions or invite us to try some new things, even well into our adulthood—even when we’re caught up in the world of motherhood.

The signs can be subtle, such as a long-buried interest or curiosity cropping up unexpectedly. Or we see or hear something that intrigues us but seems almost silly because it’s so different from our normal activities. A friend might introduce us to an activity we’ve never thought about before. When these things happen, they aren’t always coincidences. Instead, they may be God telling us it’s time to try something new. Before we rush on by, we need to take the advice we give our children, step back, and focus on what we’re feeling and where God might be leading us.

 Just as we pray for wisdom when guiding our children, we need to ask for God’s direction when we’re trying to figure things out for ourselves. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut and resist trying new things. But we need to remember that those new things make us better people and therefore better moms. Let’s ask God to help us shake off the fear of unfamiliar territory.

Dear Lord, I want my children to have courage and try new things—and I want the same for myself. Please don’t let my routines block a path You might want me to follow. Give me the wisdom I need to know when You’re calling me to something new. Amen .

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