Monday, September 8, 2014

Mom Time

Levantándose muy de mañana, cuando todavía estaba oscuro, salió, y se fue a un lugar solitario, y allí oraba 
Very early the next morning, Jesus got up and went to a place where he could be alone and pray . MARK 1:35

Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend, as the old saying goes, but time to ourselves can be a mom’s most precious gift. That’s because mothering is a never-ending job, whether we’re looking after little ones at home or keeping in touch with older kids in college or on their own. ]

Carving out time for ourselves so we can unplug from being Mom for a while can be a challenge. But resisting the urge to feel guilty about giving that gift to ourselves can be the biggest hurdle of all. When the “I shouldn’t be spoiling myself” or “I have too much to do” messages start crowding our minds, we should remember two important things. First, allowing ourselves some time alone is good for everyone in the family because we’ll return to our mom world more refreshed and ready to handle things better. Second,even Jesus sometimes went away to be alone or to pray.

If Jesus had days when He needed to get away from the crowds, then why do we think it’s a luxury we shouldn’t indulge in? If we’re honest, we’ll see that the time away isn’t a luxury at all; it’s a necessity. We need the chance to do things we enjoy instead of what everyone else needs (or expects) us to do. We need one-on-one time with God away from the normal routine to reconnect on a spiritual level by talking to Him and listening to Him.

It might be for an hour, half a day, or a weekend. The length of time doesn’t matter as much as the fact that we’re allowing ourselves to enjoy the gift. Because nothing will recharge our mom batteries like a mom-God getaway.

Dear Lord, I need a break from family, from friends, from everyone and everything but You. Show me how to arrange things so I can have a mom getaway, just You and me. Amen.

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