Monday, August 11, 2014

The Small Jobs

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” COLOSSIANS 3:17 NIV  

Sweeping cereal from every corner of the kitchen. Changing race car sheets at 3 a.m. Searching through every drugstore in town for a certain type of hairbrush. Checking the minutes left on our family’s cellular account. Scheduling dentist appointments …

They aren’t big jobs, and many times we handle them without rating a “thank you” from family members. But these jobs are the makings of normal life for us moms and can accumulate until some days we feel that all our time is spent on “little” stuff. It’s time for us to remember that God doesn’t look at it like that. When we are taking care of our families, we are literally doing God’s work. Each task is important, even though it may seem at times to be menial in nature. You might also be able to enhance the work by adding a spiritual element. One mother keeps photos of her children clipped to her car visor and prays for each of them while she’s running errands. Another thanks God for a different blessing every time she picks up something and moves it to the right spot in her home. And yet another mom cranks up her favorite praise music while she vacuums or dusts.

Those mundane jobs take on new meaning when we see every load of laundry, sink of dirty dishes, trip to the market, dental appointment, vacuumed floor, and dinner casserole as a way to serve God by serving our families. What ministry wields more influence and produces more obvious results? God holds every facet of motherhood in high esteem, and our days will take on renewed meaning when we see it that way as well.

Prayer: Lord, it can be easy to look down on the little jobs of motherhood and think they don’t really matter. But everything I do as a mom is important to You and to my family. Help me remember that, no matter what I spend my time doing. Amen .

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