Friday, August 15, 2014

Sharing a Lunch

“I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.” M ATTHEW 25:35 NIV

   “Your child’s lunch account balance has dropped below the acceptable minimum. Please add funds to your child’s account.”
   The e-mail flashed on the computer screen, confusing Anna. She had deposited twenty dollars into both her children’s accounts a few weeks earlier, but it was really only there as a buffer. Both kids usually took their lunches, so they only used the accounts occasionally. When she asked her twins about it that afternoon, the answer surprised her more than the e-mail.
   “Mom, Jared hasn’t been eating lunch. He said his dad lost his job so they don’t have money for lunch. We’ve been taking turns going through the line and getting a tray so we can give it to him. We knew you always have money in our account.” In typical seventh-grade fashion, Anna’s children hadn’t thought to tell her about the situation.
   In typical Jesus fashion, they hadn’t thought about whether they should help Jared. They simply did it.
   Jesus commended those who tuned in to people’s needs and met them however they could and without worrying about what other people thought. He also taught that being kind to those who need help is like being kind to Jesus Himself.
   God provides us with everything we need, and often more. If we take the time to look, we could all probably find ways to help feed someone like Anna’s children did. Maybe we pick up the tab for the car behind us in the drive-through. Buy some extra things at the grocery store and donate them to a local food pantry. Or surprise a friend with an invitation to dinner. Whatever we choose to do—however big or small—it’s sure to brighten that person’s day. And ours.
Lord, show me how I can feed or clothe people nearby. Help it become an automatic response for me, and something my children learn to recognize and follow themselves. Amen .

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