Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Pats on the Back

 A voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”

Each of us has a need for approval and positive feedback, and we moms can become the biggest cheerleaders in our children’s lives. Rewards can be as simple as stickers or a piece of candy, or as “grown up” as a later curfew, an expanded phone plan, or spending money for a special occasion. But as much as our children can appreciate the material rewards, our positive words to them might be the best—and most lasting—gift of all.
When Jesus was ready to begin His ministry on earth, He went to the river to be baptized like many other people in the community. Something special happened when Jesus stood up after being immersed, with water dripping from His hair and clothes. A dove flew down and landed on Jesus, and the people heard God speak. God announced that Jesus was His Son and that He loved and was pleased with Him.
Think about that for a minute. The God of the universe proclaimed His satisfaction with Jesus for anyone to hear. There are many lessons to be learned from this, but perhaps the most important is the power of encouragement.
Jesus was fully God but also fully human. The human side of Jesus needed positive reinforcement just like we do. Just like our children do. No matter our age, there’s something about hearing “Good job” that can fill a void that few other words can. But sometimes life gets so busy that we forget to stop and say those words to our children.
It might help if we take time to write down some things to encourage our children and give them the list as a tangible reminder of our love and pride. Then, we might want to try doing that for ourselves.

Dear Lord, You are the ultimate encourager for each of us. Thank You for encouraging me when I need it, through family, friends, or other ways. Show me how I can do the same thing for my children in whatever way they need. Amen.

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