Friday, August 29, 2014

Who's Keeping Tabs?

I'm courageous enough to know I can accomplish great things. I'm humble enough to know when to ask for help. Katrina Mayer
The Lord appointed seventy others and sent them on ahead of him in pairs to every town and place where he himself intended to go . LUKE 10:1

Many of us moms seem to be hardwired to take care of our own business and make sure everyone else takes care of theirs. We spend years perfecting the art of tracking details and ensuring that our family stays on task. That “keeping tabs on everything” mentality might be a big part of the mom job description in our minds, but that doesn’t mean it’s how God wants us to be.
At times we get so accustomed to being the go-to person that it can be hard to realize we might not need to be the person keeping everything on an even keel. It’s actually all right to step back and let the people around us handle some of those things themselves.
Jesus was the perfect example of how we should share accountability. Although Jesus was capable of doing anything that needed to be done, the Bible tells of several times when He gave instructions to His followers and expected them to handle the jobs. For example, Jesus asked Philip for suggestions on how to feed a crowd of thousands (John 6:5–7). Jesus instructed two disciples to find a young donkey that He could ride into the city of Jerusalem (Mark 11:1–3). In some of His final directions, Jesus asked Peter and John to prepare a room where they could celebrate the Passover together (Luke 22:7–13). Jesus knew everything that needed to be done, but He didn’t insist on doing everything Himself.
This loss of personal control can seem unsettling. But if we ask, God will show us what things others can do and what we should handle ourselves. After all, He’s the ultimate master at keeping tabs on things.
 Lord, sometimes I’m afraid that if I don’t keep up with everything going on with my family, no one will. But I know it shouldn’t always be that way. Teach me to be like Jesus and ask others to step up and be responsible. Amen.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Restful Watching

Psalm 121:3 ~ He will not let you fall, your Protector is always awake...
He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber . PSALM 121:3
No matter how many times we hear it beforehand, nothing truly prepares us for the round-the-clock demands of motherhood. We toddlers to sleepless nights while school projects get finished or teenagers return home safely. The constant vigil continues even when our children move out because they never leave our hearts and minds. We wonder sometimes how we’ll push through our exhaustion to the next day. Sometimes it seems we might never experience true rest again.
When those times come, we need to remind ourselves that we weren’t meant to be on “active duty” 24/7. God instructs us to rest and find refreshment. We also know that God rested after finishing all of creation. And if God takes time to rest, we certainly should. The trouble is that sometimes when we actually step away, we still fret about what might (or might not) happen. We have trouble letting go and trusting that things will be fine if we’re not watching.
Here’s a reassurance that should help us in those moments: God is over everything, and God always knows what’s happening. One of the psalmists wrote of how God never slumbers or sleeps. In this context, “slumber” refers to nodding off or taking a quick nap as opposed to experiencing deep sleep. God never takes a few minutes off to rest from watching over us. And God certainly never falls asleep.
When we remind ourselves of this and believe that it’s true, we are freed to enjoy the rest that can seem so elusive. Here’s to taking a deep breath, propping our feet up, and relaxing for a few minutes. God is still watching over things even when we snatch a much-needed nap.
Lord, give me the energy I need to handle each day, but show me when I need to stop and rest. Thank You for never getting tired and needing a break Yourself. Amen .

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Joyful Noises

Psalm 66:4   via Etsy
Shout for joy to God, all the earth! … “All the earth bows down to you; they sing praise to you, they sing the praises of your name.” PSALM 66:1, 4

Most children have an innate love of music. Soon after they’re born, babies babble and coo, creating a special music of their own. It can be such fun to watch them singing and dancing with abandon, enjoying the moment without caring what other people think. We laugh and clap along with them, belt out songs and make goofy motions, acting just as silly. But it can be hard to keep that open mind-set once our children grow up and we no longer have a built-in excuse for singing and dancing. We may feel self-conscious or worry that God is put off by such displays of childlike behavior.
It might help to remember that God gave us the gift of music to enjoy for ourselves, share with others, and use as a way to praise Him. It doesn’t matter how loudly or softly we sing, how awkwardly we dance, or how carefully we stay on key. God just wants us to let the joy in our hearts come through in whatever way we can manage. He calls us to sing praises all of our days, not just when we’re children or have little ones of our own. We should still be praising God when our kids are too cool in their own minds to sing out or we’re too arthritic to raise our hands.
There is no doubt, the day will come when our children move from their “cool” phase and reach places of deep, heartfelt worship as they grow in their faith. And when we release ourselves to do so, we will rediscover our childlike enjoyment of the gift of music as we continue to praise God by releasing the song in our hearts.

Dear Lord, thank You for the gift of music. Teach me to enjoy Your songs with the heart of a child who worships freely and draws others to You. Amen.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Pats on the Back

 A voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”

Each of us has a need for approval and positive feedback, and we moms can become the biggest cheerleaders in our children’s lives. Rewards can be as simple as stickers or a piece of candy, or as “grown up” as a later curfew, an expanded phone plan, or spending money for a special occasion. But as much as our children can appreciate the material rewards, our positive words to them might be the best—and most lasting—gift of all.
When Jesus was ready to begin His ministry on earth, He went to the river to be baptized like many other people in the community. Something special happened when Jesus stood up after being immersed, with water dripping from His hair and clothes. A dove flew down and landed on Jesus, and the people heard God speak. God announced that Jesus was His Son and that He loved and was pleased with Him.
Think about that for a minute. The God of the universe proclaimed His satisfaction with Jesus for anyone to hear. There are many lessons to be learned from this, but perhaps the most important is the power of encouragement.
Jesus was fully God but also fully human. The human side of Jesus needed positive reinforcement just like we do. Just like our children do. No matter our age, there’s something about hearing “Good job” that can fill a void that few other words can. But sometimes life gets so busy that we forget to stop and say those words to our children.
It might help if we take time to write down some things to encourage our children and give them the list as a tangible reminder of our love and pride. Then, we might want to try doing that for ourselves.

Dear Lord, You are the ultimate encourager for each of us. Thank You for encouraging me when I need it, through family, friends, or other ways. Show me how I can do the same thing for my children in whatever way they need. Amen.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Drive-Through Prayers

“Pray without ceasing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17,...
 Be unceasing in prayer [praying perseveringly] . 1 THESSALONIANS 5:17

     We’ve all had those days when things are crazy from beginning to end, no matter how hard we try to keep on track. Work is hectic, our family is on a tight schedule for the night, and we get home to realize dinner isn’t ready because we forgot to plug in the slow cooker. We want to scream in frustration as we head to the drive-through so everyone can be fed.

    Our prayer life can be the same way. We have days when we’re able to enjoy our morning quiet time by reading the Bible or a devotional and spending some time in prayer. Then there are other days when (if we’re honest with ourselves) things get hectic and prayer doesn’t cross our minds. When a nudge in our day does remind us to pray, we might be so busy that we’re not sure how to fit it in.

     We have an even greater dilemma when we consider that the Bible teaches that we should pray without ceasing. The chances that we moms can sit and spend an entire day focusing solely on prayer are virtually nonexistent. So how do we pray without ceasing?

    Fortunately, prayer isn’t an “all or none” proposition, in which we must spend a certain amount of time or meet particular criteria before it counts. God simply wants us to keep an attitude of open communication. That means we might speak with Him as we iron clothes, while waiting for a meeting to start, or as we sit in traffic. The point is to stay connected throughout the day, to leave your heart phone on. Just like you are always happy to hear from your children, God is always happy to hear from you.

Lord, the Bible tells us to pray constantly, not just when we have big blocks of uninterrupted time. Thank You for loving the small, ongoing prayers just as much as something more formal. Fill me with the desire to pray through every part of my day. Amen.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Wants and Needs

Philippians Four Nineteen
My God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. PHILIPPIANS 4:19
“You’re old enough for your wants not to hurt you” is a phrase sometimes heard during childhood. It’s usually said by an adult when children whine about not getting their way, whether they want a new puppy or to make up their own rules instead of following ours. They’re asking for something that the adult believes is a want, not a need. We can easily see the difference between wants and needs when we’re the parent teaching our child. It’s not always so obvious, however, or as easy to accept when we’re the person with a “want.” The world’s version of what’s important to do, to have, or to want is often different from what God says is important. Even when we love God and try to follow His teachings, we can fall into the trap of thinking we need things that really are better classified as “wants.”
God gives us everything we need: food, shelter, clothing, love. Then God goes beyond that by blessing us with many other things that we don’t necessarily need but that we want: another car for the family, a larger home in a nicer neighborhood, the funds to pay for a vacation or our children’s activities. There’s nothing wrong with wanting nice things for ourselves or our family, especially if the desire coincides with God’s plan. Having a larger home might give us the space to host an exchange student. Allowing our child to join a different gymnastics program could lead to better opportunities later. The thing to remember is that wants and needs are all about perspective, whether we’re looking at our own or our child’s. When we ask God for His perspective, He’ll help us know which is which.
Lord, You know how hard it can be to focus on what I really need instead of just what I want. Teach me to do better with knowing the difference so I can also teach it to my children. Amen.

Friday, August 15, 2014

The Makeup Mask

Psalm 51:7b - Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow (NKJV)
Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. PSALM 51:7

    Our morning routines might change a bit as we go through different phases of motherhood, but one thing usually doesn’t get eliminated completely: the cleansing, moisturizing, and makeup ritual. Some days we might spend twenty minutes or more going through the steps. On others we feel lucky to splash water on our faces and slap on some foundation and mascara. Either way, we’re making an effort to look a little better for the world.

   The freshness of color fades and the smooth matte finish disappears by day’s end, leaving us with remnants that need to be washed away. We’ll start fresh again the next morning, but at bedtime we’re laid bare before ourselves with mirror and glaring lights: natural skin with no makeup to cover blemishes, bags, or other perceived imperfections. We go through the same cycle with the person we present to the world versus the person God knows we are—natural and covered up, over and over.

    It can be hard to reveal our true selves to the people around us. So many other moms seem to have their lives and situations under control. Admitting that we don’t can be humbling or downright terrifying, and we don’t want to look like a mess. So we put on our public face and only let our closest confidantes glimpse pieces of the truth.

    The mask we wear in public doesn’t last forever, just like our makeup. It also never hides our true selves from God—and He loves us anyway. Even if we never want to share some things with others, we can come clean with God. Whatever we’re facing and however we feel about it, God loves us and can help us through it. We just need to have the courage to be honest with Him.

    Lord, the world might expect me to seem perfect and all put together, but I know that You don’t. Thank You for loving me no matter what. Give me the courage to be clean and honest with You so I can get through whatever problems I’m facing. Amen.

Restful Watching

Psalm 121:3
He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber . PSALM 121:3

    No matter how many times we hear it beforehand, nothing truly prepares us for the round-the-clock demands of motherhood. We move from countless diapers and feedings with newborns to continually running behind toddlers to sleepless nights while school projects get finished or teenagers return home safely. The constant vigil continues even when our children move out because they never leave our hearts and minds. We wonder sometimes how we’ll push through our exhaustion to the next day. Sometimes it seems we might never experience true rest again.
    When those times come, we need to remind ourselves that we weren’t meant to be on “active duty” 24/7. God instructs us to rest and find refreshment. We also know that God rested after finishing all of creation. And if God takes time to awkwardly we dance, or how carefully we stay on key. God just wants us to let the joy in our hearts come through in whatever way we can manage. He calls us to sing praises all of our days, not just when we’re children or have little ones of our own. We should still be praising God when our kids are too cool in their own minds to sing out or we’re too arthritic to raise our hands.
    There is no doubt, the day will come when our children move from their “cool” phase and reach places of deep, heartfelt worship as they grow in their faith. And when we release ourselves to do so, we will rediscover our childlike enjoyment of the gift of music as we continue to praise God by releasing the song in our hearts.
    Dear Lord, thank You for the gift of music. Teach me to enjoy Your songs with the heart of a child who worships freely and draws others to You. Amen .

Sharing a Lunch

“I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.” M ATTHEW 25:35 NIV

   “Your child’s lunch account balance has dropped below the acceptable minimum. Please add funds to your child’s account.”
   The e-mail flashed on the computer screen, confusing Anna. She had deposited twenty dollars into both her children’s accounts a few weeks earlier, but it was really only there as a buffer. Both kids usually took their lunches, so they only used the accounts occasionally. When she asked her twins about it that afternoon, the answer surprised her more than the e-mail.
   “Mom, Jared hasn’t been eating lunch. He said his dad lost his job so they don’t have money for lunch. We’ve been taking turns going through the line and getting a tray so we can give it to him. We knew you always have money in our account.” In typical seventh-grade fashion, Anna’s children hadn’t thought to tell her about the situation.
   In typical Jesus fashion, they hadn’t thought about whether they should help Jared. They simply did it.
   Jesus commended those who tuned in to people’s needs and met them however they could and without worrying about what other people thought. He also taught that being kind to those who need help is like being kind to Jesus Himself.
   God provides us with everything we need, and often more. If we take the time to look, we could all probably find ways to help feed someone like Anna’s children did. Maybe we pick up the tab for the car behind us in the drive-through. Buy some extra things at the grocery store and donate them to a local food pantry. Or surprise a friend with an invitation to dinner. Whatever we choose to do—however big or small—it’s sure to brighten that person’s day. And ours.
Lord, show me how I can feed or clothe people nearby. Help it become an automatic response for me, and something my children learn to recognize and follow themselves. Amen .

A Marked Woman

It's in Christ that you, once you heard the truth and believed it (this Message of your salvation), found yourselves home free - signed, sealed, and delivered by the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 1:13 MSG)
When you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and when you believed in Him, you were also sealed with the promised Holy Spirit. EPHESIANS 1:13
For many of us moms, our bodies are never exactly the same after we go through pregnancy and childbirth. Spider veins, a not-quite-so-tight stomach, and wider, flatter feet can all be everlasting reminders of those nine months—marks that signal our passage to motherhood.
When we learn about Jesus Christ and believe in Him, we are sealed—marked—as belonging to God (see Ephesians 1:13). It’s not as obvious as our physical motherhood marks, but it’s real just the same. It’s an invisible mark that shows itself through our actions and attitudes.
What kinds of actions? A contemporary Christian song in the late 1990s went through a list of things people sometimes use to show their Christianity: a cross necklace, a “Blessings” welcome mat at the door, a fish magnet on the car. Those are outward symbols meant for the world to see, but they aren’t true markings (which was the point of the song).
The real ways we show that we love and follow God are what other people might consider insignificant or weak. We close our mouths and walk away instead of saying what we’d like. We point out when the cashier gives us extra change and return it. We take extra pencils and paper to school for children who can’t afford to buy their own. Quiet things like these often speak louder than any flashing signs or messaged T-shirts because they show our true character. People learn about God through the things we say but also through the things we do day in and day out.
There are many ways people can see God’s invisible mark of ownership on us through our actions and attitudes. That’s where our true influence lies.
Lord, I know that I belong to You, but the world needs to know it, too. I want to be a marked woman for You. Help me find ways to show that I’m Yours so that people around me will want the same thing for themselves. Amen.    

Fixing our Eyes

Related Pins =
"Looking unto Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith." HEBREWS 12:2

      “Hold my hand, and I’ll help you.” “Don’t look down, just watch me.” “We’re not lost, I know where we’re going.” It probably would be hard for us to count the number of times we’ve said those phrases or similar ones to our children. We start teaching them at a young age that they can trust us in any situation. We’ll guide them where they need to be and help them do what they need to do—if they’ll just let us.
      The same is true for God’s role in our lives. God is always ready to instruct us, guide us, and show us the right direction. We only have to ask and trust, though doing that on a regular basis can be tough. Some days, life is so hard that the desire for different circumstances nearly consumes us. On other days, we walk with confidence in ourselves and our lives because things are rosy and our loved ones are healthy and happy.

    When should we fix our sights on God? At both extremes, and all in between. People come and go, circumstances change, and life is never the same for long. What’s wonderful today might be horrible tomorrow, and vice versa. Fixing our eyes too much on any of it can warp our perspective and send us spiraling toward depression or leave us with a cocky attitude.
     Fixing our eyes on the one constant in life—God—can keep us grounded and able to face any situation because we know we’re not alone.
     We must accept God’s guidance in our lives just as certainly as we expect our children to accept our guidance. Like any good parent, He’s always waiting to point us in the right direction. And He is always the best guide of all.
Dear God, thank You for being the constant guide in my life, whether things seem good or bad. Remind me to always ask for Your help, and teach me how to trust that You’re right beside me. Amen .

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Finally Saying "Yes".

God has a plan trust in Him... easier said than done, but it's worth it.
“I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” JEREMIAH 29:11

We all have days when it seems like the word we say to our children most frequently is “no.” Whatever the situation might be, the necessary “no” can be painful for both of us because as parents we want to give our children many good things. When the requests go against what we know is best, however, we must say the dreaded word—maybe repeatedly—and encourage our children to adjust and move on.
Although our children don’t always realize it, we aren’t the only ones doling out “no” these days. Sometimes God gives it to us as well. We’ve all prayed for something we thought would be good and heard God’s “no” through circumstances.
At those times, our disappointment and frustration can mount, especially when it concerns something we’ve hoped and planned for. At those times, we should ask ourselves if what we’ve asked for is a good thing or God’s thing. Some things may be good for others, but God knows they are not good for us. When He says no, we can be sure that He doesn’t see us as one of many but as one in particular, with specific needs and personal purpose. Our wisdom is limited, and we have no knowledge of what lies ahead. What might seem good from our perspective may not fit into God’s bigger plan for our lives.
It can be difficult to regroup after God’s “no.” But, just as we teach our children, we need to accept the “no” and move on, even if we don’t understand the reason. Because even if we don’t know where we’re going, we can be confident that God does—and every “no” He says points us back toward a “yes.”
Prayer: Lord, I want a lot of things that seem good, but You know what’s really best. Help me accept when You tell me no. Change my heart so that I want the same things You do. Thank You for the plans You have for me. Amen.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Beautiful Enough

                        Proverbs 31:30
"Charm can be deceiving, and beauty fades away, but a woman who honors the LORD deserves to be praised." PROVERBS 31:30

The world’s version of beauty stares at us from every direction. Magazines, movies, and other media products flaunt models with flowing hair, knockout smiles, and sculpted figures. Although we know the pictures aren’t true to life, we can’t always stop ourselves from falling into the comparison trap. It’s a game we are destined to lose because we all fall short of those computer-enhanced versions of beauty.

 As we strive to be comfortable with our physical appearance, let’s not forget that our children—both sons and daughters—are fighting the same battle. Our desire is to build our children’s confidence whenever and however we can. The challenge lies in learning how to compliment their physical appearances without having it backfire—either because they become vain or (more likely) because they don’t believe what we say.

Many times, our children reject our comments about their beauty because we’re Mom and we’re supposed to see their beauty. But more often it’s because none of us truly believes we’re beautiful until we see ourselves through God’s eyes. God always looks beneath the skin straight to our hearts and souls. What He finds is a wonderful creation that is unique in every way, a person who is trying to be more like Him every day. And that’s beautiful.

When we ask God to help us see ourselves like He does, we’ll discover treasures that we never imagined. The more we learn to appreciate those treasures and shine from the inside out, the more beautiful we become to ourselves and to others.

 Sure, it would be nice to look like that cover model. But having a beauty that’s covered with God is one of the most valuable examples we can ever show our children.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for the wonderful creation I am. Help me love myself for what’s on the inside, not based on what I see in the mirror. Then teach me how to instill the same perspective in my children. Amen.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Our Fortress

                                2 Samuel 22:2
“Our LORD and our God, you are my mighty rock, my fortress, my deliverer.” 2 SAMUEL 22:2

Rare indeed is the adult who can’t look back and remember building a fort. It’s a classic childhood pastime. In the mind of a child, blankets and cushions draped across the furniture might be seen as protection from a sibling’s attack, a place to hide from imaginary enemies, or even an indoor camping spot.

As adults, we outgrow the blanket-and-cushion version of a protective fortress, but we find the same needed security for ourselves and our families in other types of forts. A bigger paycheck can mean a larger home in a nicer neighborhood. Money in the bank or a higher number of stock shares can cover our children’s college education or fund our retirement. Sending our children to particular schools can expose them to a better environment or opportunities they might not have otherwise.

Whether by a real-life reality check or increased wisdom as we age, we usually figure out something about these newer forts. In the long run they don’t protect us any better than our children’s blankets over the dining room table did. They slide and fall, leaving us vulnerable and in search of answers. God is our fortress and protector. He is our most secure foundation and the best defense against any attack from our enemy Satan. We can’t keep an eye on our children twenty-four hours a day, but God can. We can’t guarantee there will always be money in the bank, but God can meet all our needs. God is the only one who can keep us truly safe in this unpredictable world.

 Rather than relying on a mom-made fort for protection, let’s ask God to help us trust Him to do the job and teach our children to do the same.

Prayer: Dear God, the world tries to convince me that material things can keep my family safe, but I know that’s not true. You are the real protector and the only one I can trust. Thank You for being my fortress. Amen.


Monday, August 11, 2014

The Small Jobs

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” COLOSSIANS 3:17 NIV  

Sweeping cereal from every corner of the kitchen. Changing race car sheets at 3 a.m. Searching through every drugstore in town for a certain type of hairbrush. Checking the minutes left on our family’s cellular account. Scheduling dentist appointments …

They aren’t big jobs, and many times we handle them without rating a “thank you” from family members. But these jobs are the makings of normal life for us moms and can accumulate until some days we feel that all our time is spent on “little” stuff. It’s time for us to remember that God doesn’t look at it like that. When we are taking care of our families, we are literally doing God’s work. Each task is important, even though it may seem at times to be menial in nature. You might also be able to enhance the work by adding a spiritual element. One mother keeps photos of her children clipped to her car visor and prays for each of them while she’s running errands. Another thanks God for a different blessing every time she picks up something and moves it to the right spot in her home. And yet another mom cranks up her favorite praise music while she vacuums or dusts.

Those mundane jobs take on new meaning when we see every load of laundry, sink of dirty dishes, trip to the market, dental appointment, vacuumed floor, and dinner casserole as a way to serve God by serving our families. What ministry wields more influence and produces more obvious results? God holds every facet of motherhood in high esteem, and our days will take on renewed meaning when we see it that way as well.

Prayer: Lord, it can be easy to look down on the little jobs of motherhood and think they don’t really matter. But everything I do as a mom is important to You and to my family. Help me remember that, no matter what I spend my time doing. Amen .

Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Courage Keys


This year at MOPS, your membership will include a key in the 2014-15 MOPS Membership welcome kit. It's called a Courage Key. It's a symbol we can daily put on to remind us to live the bravest version of ourselves. It's a token we can reach up and touch in those moments we need a reminder to be brave. And, with solidarity, we'll be wearing our keys together. 
MOPS Membership is our way of saying we belong together because we know we mother better when we mother together. 

"You seem alive right now. It's like I'm seeing the real you."

Those words sunk deep.

I'd had one of those moments that made my soul come alive, like the moment was created just for me. I was contributing to the world in that way that made me feel like I was doing exactly what I was built to do. The world was at peace; everything was right. I was giving of my self in a deep and exerting way, but I walked away with my heart full as though I was the one who had been the recipient.

"It's like I'm seeing the real you."

It's because she was seeing the real me. 
Bob Goff makes this profound statement, he says, "People need to be spoken into who they are." It's powerful to have someone affirm who they see in us.
As we journey this year on our quest to Be you, Bravely, let's be courageous enough to see the greatness in others, and tell them what we see.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


Ladies- Don't forget! We will be meeting tomorrow morning at 9:30AM to kickoff our 2014/2015 MOPS year. Come register and catch up from Summer, while the kids enjoy inflatables, snow cones, and fun! This event is RAIN or SHINE-We can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
 We will be praying for you Mommies with little ones starting school tomorrow morning :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Be You, Bravely


Hey ladies! I hope you've all had a great Summer! My babies are excited for school to start back, but I'm sure going to miss them.  This is my first "official post" as publicity coordinator this year!!!! I have lots I plan to write about, but I'm so excited about this year, I had to open with our 2014/2015 without any further it is!!! Much love to you all, Katie


Theme Verse: 

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.  Isaiah 43:18-19   (NIV)
At any given moment in our lives each of us has...
  • Conversations we've been putting off.
  • Reasonable risks we've been avoiding.
  • Goals we want to achieve.
Yet often times the more significant an action feels the easier it is to put it off.  We get distracted from the big decisions by the immediate needs of the day. What all of us seem to have in common is that we need a nudge, a nudge to help us get out of our ruts and routines so that we can begin risking bravely.
At MOPS we believe that you were meant to live deeply and so we have created this year’s theme to inspire you to choose the extraordinary.
Be you, Bravely is designed to help us focus on making the choices that could create the most good in our lives, help us to step into healthy risk and to do it in the context of community where we can cheer one another on.
Sometimes, good people wait patiently for God to intervene when what he is wanting is for us to act bravely and do something. Being a follower of Jesus calls for courage. The journey feels unexpected and unconventional. It requires bravely playing hide and seek in the dark, confronting the fears that scare us and holding the hand of a redeemer-guide who calls us to courageous acts of risk and trust. It means coloring outside of the lines. Dreaming bigger than we ever have before and getting swept up into the plans of a God who leaves us breathless with wonder.
It takes courage to ask brave questions and even more courage to search for the answers. We are so excited to journey alongside you this year as we ask one another what it means to  “Be you, Bravely”.

KICKOFF- August 8th

Fall Semester Dates:
8/22,  9/12, 9/26, 10/17,  10/24,  11/7, 11/21, 12/5

Spring Semester Dates:
1/9,  1/23,  2/6,  2/20,  3/6,  3/20,  4/17,  5/1


E-Mail for more information!

*Registration will be availabe NOW!