Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Picture Us Imperfectly

What have you done imperfectly this week?
I had to rewash an entire load of laundry because 
when I tried to fold it, I realized it smelled.
That's what happens when you forget to put the wash into the dryer 
for two days and it's August.

I also have over-committed myself.
For some reason I thought staying home meant I could do more.
I know, I know.
You can stop laughing now.

And I told my daughter a couple of days ago that 
I was glad
she'd gone back to school.
Of course now I'm realizing that wasn't true.

MOPS begins on Friday morning.
If you forget to swap your laundry
can't find your sink for all the dishes
send your kids to school in mismatched socks
wish you could go to the bathroom alone
you'll probably fit in.

1 comment:

hill said...

wow! i feel so honored that you would link up to me each week! thank you. and i have totally tried to fold stinky laundry because i had not gotten to it in time, also! xoxo.