Monday, May 6, 2013

May 10th- final meeting (sniff, sniff) and Mom Olympics!

Believe it or not, this Friday, May 10th, 9:30am, will be our LAST meeting until next August And what better way to celebrate the end of a successful MOPS year than Mom Olympics!  Come dressed to compete and show off your mad mom-skills like laundry folding, car seat installation, and sandwich making.  Breakfast will be provided by Chick-Fil-A- yummy!

At this final meeting, we'll also still be collecting donations for our MOPPETS workers thank-you gifts.  Remember, for every $10 you donate, you get entered in our drawing for the FREE WEEK at Strong Rock Camp this summer!  You can also get entered again by pre-registering for MOPS next year for only $35!  Also, if you ordered a shirt and have not paid for it, please bring your $15 to Friday's meeting.

Finally, if you have a story to share about how a MOPPETS worker has positively influenced your child, please share it with us at  We would love for these volunteers to know that their work is making a difference, and we've only received one email so far :(

Although we won't formally be together until August, we will have summer playdates, currently scheduled for the mornings of 5/31, 6/14, and 7/12- stay tuned to the blog and Facebook page for more info...

Look forward to seeing you on Friday!

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