Tuesday, February 12, 2013

For When You Can't Remember the Last Time They Had a Bath

On Sunday night I couldn't remember.  I knew the little ones had been bathed the night before.  But the big girls?  Maybe Thursday? I know they were supposed to shower on Saturday night, but after dishes and daddy and the babies, there was no hot water left.

My friend said that's why she's not having four kids.

But I figure I'm not the only one who sometimes can't remember the last time they were adequately bathed from head to toe.

Or the only one who set up the coffee maker so it's ready to go in the morning only to turn it on just before bed.

Or the one who left her baby in pajamas all day yesterday because that was warmer (i.e. the laundry wasn't done).

I know I'm not the only mom who has sent cereal for lunch because there was no bread.  Or crackers.  Or leftovers.  Or granola bars.  Or even a banana.

I know for a fact I wasn't the only illegal driver on the road Friday afternoon.  My wallet was in the diaper bag.  The diaper bag was with the baby.  The baby was not with me.  Score for remembering said bag at all.

Tell me I'm not the only person who bribes my children with chocolate to clean their rooms.

I wanted to take a nice, relaxing, candles and bubbles bath the other night.  But it was too much work to clean the toys out of the tub.

Sometimes I can't find my house keys.  For days and days.  Then they magically reappear in my purse.  I swear they weren't there before.

I gave my toddler back her paci yesterday morning just so she'd sit on the couch and watch a movie so I could shower in peace.  And when she started crying because she wanted a different movie, I put more soap in my hair and ignored her.

I really want to be a great mom.  All these times?  I think they mean I'm trying.  I know I'm not alone because I've heard your stories of woe and fear and disgust and frustration and anger and fatigue and jealousy and commitment and potty training and tantrums and tears.

Because MOPS has given us a place to be real together.  MOPS International says MOPS is about meeting the needs of every mom of a child from conception through kindergarten with local groups of moms just like you.

If MOPS has impacted you in some way, will you do me a favor and comment below?  Or email us at habershammops@gmail.com or me personally at lindsbrac@gmail.com.

Today I share our stories with the leadership of our charter church.  Today I explain just how important it is that we have this community, this place, this time for ourselves.  I know you need it, but sometimes I need to hear just how much.

You are incredible.  You gave up a piece of yourself to be a mother.

You are awesome.  No one else could mother your children like you do.

You are loved.  Jesus gets a mother's love because he experienced it firsthand.  Now He loves you back in all your messiest moments.


1 comment:

Kelly Rhoades said...

And one day, all this will pass and you will wish you were back there during the time you couldn't remember who had a bath when....like when they're teenagers and wanting to take 30 minute showers twice a day and using all the hot water so you cannot have a candle light bubble bath!