Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Husband Project: Tips and Tricks

It's officially February so we have total and complete permission to decorate with lots of pink and red, come off the January diet for chocolate, and show our husbands some unabashed love.  This morning, I was flipping through my copy of The Husband Project (thanks so much to Merideth and Mary Lynn for bringing it to us) and thinking about how today was the perfect day to get started.

Especially because 21 days from now is MY birthday, so if he's feeling pretty loved by then, that can only turn out to my advantage, right?

The book has some great ideas for simple ways we can bless the men in our lives, some of whom bring home the family income, some of whom are the kings of the kitchen (or the grill!), and some of whom tolerate meltdowns from pregnant wives on a regular basis.

So today I encourage to take a minute and open your book if you haven't yet and think about getting started.  To inspire you, here's a line-up of fun ideas and a few freebies that I've seen recently.

Some of you knew Julia back when she was hanging out in the Sham supporting Raider football on Friday nights.  Her blog is funny, fresh, and filled with links to other great places.  This post will take you over to one of her favorite people at Friday Night Dates.

You all know I'm a sucker for a great deal and right now you can get cards for FREE at so many places.  This morning I accomplished Project #3 (I'm doing them out of order I know) and can't wait for him to get the card I chose in the mail.  Check out Southern Savers for the promotional code and them head over to Cardstore and make one for your guy.  You can even upload a picture to personalize it.  I did it this morning and it was COMPLETELY FREE including the stamp!

Or what about that project that suggests you get him a treat that's just FOR HIM.  I got no problem with that this week, ladies.  Fruity and Cocoa Pebbles are on sale at Ingles, I've got coupons, and the child in him loves them. And hates to share with his girls.  (But he does anyway!)  What treat does your husband love?

And to end....How about Pinterest?  You know you love it.

Could easily become "I love my husband because..."

My husband loves cards.  Someday I AM going to do this.
 Men have no problem eating a pink cake.  It's cake, right?

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