Thursday, August 19, 2010

Only 1 more day!

Prepare yourselves to go back in time...School days...College days...think subjects, think science, think art...Hanging out with friends...COME SEE WHAT WE HAVE IN STORE FOR YOU!!

Like I said before
THIS IS A MEETING YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS! The steering team has been very busy planning something great to kick off our year.
Just a few reminders for you: DON'T SKIP THIS PART

1. We will start promptly at 9:30 am (until 11:30), and need you in your seats by then. Please come early enough to get your little ones settled into their rooms, so you can be on time. As always we will have our on time drawing!

2. We will be taking pictures for our directory tomorrow, so bring your best smiles. If you can plan a little extra time to get that done first thing that would be great. If you don't get your picture taken before the meeting make sure to get it done before you leave.

3. We are trying to get our home school group started tomorrow as well. If we have just 6-8 moms then they would only have to cover the kids class only 1-2 times each semester. It would be awesome to have these moms join our group. If you home school (or know of anyone) then come tomorrow and we will get you set up.
4. Please bring your forms for Moppets and your child's shot records.
5. We are expecting a lot of new moms, which means more children in our Moppets program. This also means that we will need more sweet, loving volunteers for our children. If you know of someone who would be good at this ministry please let us know ASAP. We don't want to overwhelm the workers that we have taking care of our precious little ones, and crowd the classes. We really would love more Moppets workers. Without them MOPS would not be possible for us!

6. Ask someone to come to the meeting with you. We would love to reach out to more mothers. REMEMBER: LET NO MOM MOTHER ALONE!

7. Come hungry! We will have a big breakfast waiting for you.

Looking forward to fun and fellowship with everyone!

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